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Watch the 2018 High Holy Day sermons!

 מירי חנה בת ירחמיאל וחוה - זכרונה לברכה 
Molly Olivia Steinsapir, Of Blessed Memory

From Kaye & Jonathan Steinsapir:

Molly Olivia Steinsapir, ז"ל, entered this world on October 21, 2008 (22 Tishrei 5769); she left this world on February 15, 2021 (3 Adar 5781). Although her time here was shorter than most, that time was more meaningful and impactful than many.

Wise and thoughtful beyond her years, she became a committed and uncompromising vegetarian at four years-old (no one else in her immediate family was or is a vegetarian). Around that same time, Molly started KI in the Early Childhood Center (ECC) where her love and commitment to Judaism blossomed. At the ECC, and later at KI’s Jewish Experience Center (JEC), Molly honored that most Jewish tradition of all: asking tough questions and wrestling with the nature of G-d, the essence of Judaism, and the place of Jews in the world and among humanity more generally. Through this, she strongly embraced her Judaism, her faith in a just and caring G-d, and her Jewish identity. In Judaism, instead of requesting that loved ones who have passed “rest in peace,” we usually ask that their memory be a blessing. Molly’s memory is already a blessing to her family, to her friends, and to all those who knew her. In order to continue that, and to create a living monument to her time in this world, KI has honored our family and the memory of Molly by renaming the nursery school to the Molly Steinsapir Early Childhood Center. Our family is profoundly grateful for this unconditional gift and in return, we want to help raise the needed funds to expand its reach and enhance the programs. Molly loved and adored young children, as she did her younger brothers, Nathaniel, and Eli. This gift will allow Molly’s memory to remain a blessing in perpetuity. Please contribute if you are able.

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Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785