This Week | 3/3-3/9
We are now able to meet in person in our new temporary office space.
11601 Wilshire Blvd. | Suite 1650
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Parking Info
-Please enter via the Goshen Avenue visitor entrance.
-There is valet.
-You will receive a ticket.
-Please bring ticket to KI's office and we will pay for your parking fee.
Thursday, March 13
7:00pm Rosh Chodesh Monthly Women's Gathering
w/ Cantorial Intern Jessica Jacobs
In-person | RSVP required
Beth Shir Shalom
1827 California Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Friday, March 14
10:00am Torah Study w/ Rabbi Bernstein
In-person | ZOOM
11:30am Jewish Meditation w/ Rabbi Bernstein
In-person | ZOOM only
Purim Shabbat at Cayton Museum
5:30pm Children's Open Play
6:30pm Congregational Shabbat Service & Megillah
In-person | RSVP requested | livestream
Cayton Museum
395 Santa Monica Place, #374 | Level 3
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Saturday, March 15
9:00am Torah Study w/ Rabbi Sher
ZOOM only
7:00pm Adult Purim
RSVP required
Santa Monica Brew Works
1920 Colorado Ave., Suite C
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Sunday, March 16
11:00am KI Purim Bash Bowl-A-Rama
RSVP required
Lucky Strike Mar Vista
12125 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90066