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Watch the 2018 High Holy Day sermons!



Over the past several years, Kehillat Israel has been able to provide our community with wonderful CD recordings, each with its own purpose: to provide healing for the sick, to teach melodies to celebrate the holidays and Shabbat, and to show support for our loved ones in the midst of terrorism.

These albums have been graciously sponsored by members of our community as a way to provide support for all. There is a description below of several of our KI recordings. If you are interested in having any one of these CDs for your own collection, please call our Kehillat Israel office at 310-459-2328 to request a copy. We would be honored to include you in our musical community.

The Still Small Voice is Heard: V’kol Demama dako Yishama
The month of Elul brings an overwhelming amount of emotions and raises thoughts of renewal, repentance, reconnecting, and resolutions. In this album of High Holy Days music, you can follow the musical cycle of the Days of Awe, from Selichot all the way to Neilah. It includes High Holy Days prayers such as Avinu Malkeinu, Hin’ni, Untaneh Tokef, B’rosh Hashana, and, of course, Kol Nidre. With musical renditions of these traditional liturgical pieces by composers Aminadav Aloni, Louis Lewandowski, Max Janowski, Cantor Meir Finkelstein, Cantor Uri Frenkel (Cantor Frenkel’s beloved father of blessed memory), and Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben, there are melodies to appeal to varying musical tastes.

Use this CD to learn new music or enjoy the old favorites from your childhood. You may listen to help prepare your heart and soul for our holiest time of the year, or you may simply share the music with your family and friends at all your holiday gatherings.

This album was sponsored by Harold and Myra Shapiro in loving memory of Rabbi Joseph N. Shapiro (z”l).

Kindle the Sabbath Flame: L’hadlik Ner Shabbat
This beautiful Shabbat album includes melodies that Cantor Meir Finkelstein and congregant Garry Corman composed especially for this project. Listeners will be inspired to truly relax, shake off the week, and begin the process of slowing down for Shabbat rest.

Harold and Myra Shapiro sponsored this album in loving memory of Tillie Menkov Shapiro (z”l).

Nishmat Tzedek: A Righteous Soul
Cantor Chayim Frenkel commissioned his dear friend, Cantor Meir Finkelstein, to compose this orchestral and choral work, which is loosely based on the traditional Jewish Yizkor (memorial) service. It premiered in 1994 in Los Angeles, CA.

Although originally created in response to a personal loss for Cantor Frenkel, the death of his brother Tzvi Frenkel (z”l), this CD was revised and rededicated in 2000 in response to the devastating terrorist attacks that began in Israel that year. Cantors Frenkel and Finkelstein felt the need to find a meaningful way to help alleviate the suffering of those who have lost loved ones in the terrorism that plagues our world.

The Palermo-Ravich Family, Jeffrey and Joyce Sudikoff, the Sudikoff Foundation, and the Nathan Cummings Foundation, with support from James and Sonia Cummings, sponsored this work.
The Kehillat Israel community dedicated the album in loving memory of Erika Whitmore Godwin, whose special light will shine in our hearts forever.

The Soul Within
An Album of Healing Music
With two beautiful renditions of the traditional healing prayer “Mi Shebeirach” as the opening and closing of this album, we are taken on a cycle of songs, both traditional and contemporary, to help with the healing of both our bodies and souls.

Musical contributions are from Cantor Meir Finkelstein, Grammy Award-winning composer Cantor Doug Cotler, and world-renowned Jewish composer Debbie Friedman. Beautiful musical renditions of “Mah Tovu,” “Yiyu L’ratzon,” “Shema,” and others are premiered on this album by Cantor Natalie Hajnal Young (a KI Bat Mitzvah alumna).
Another special note: Peter Max created the album’s colorful cover design.

Elizabeth Weiner and David Weiner sponsored this album in memory of their father and grandfather, Paul Weiner (z”l).

Hinei Ma Tov
Take a musical journey through the entire year of Jewish holidays. From the High Holy Days right on through Shavuot, there is music from all of our holidays, including the old standards and beautiful new renditions of our prayers and traditional songs. This is the perfect album to play at family gatherings. You might even spark some of your guests to begin a sing-along!

This album was sponsored in memory of Mitchell Roberts Neiman (z”l) by his parents, Anne Roberts and Wayne Neiman, and his brother, Spencer Neiman.

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		                                    KI Tunes		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Visit our site containing music produced by Cantor Chayim Frenkel during his quarter century at KI, from which you can download individual songs or entire albums – at no charge.</span>
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		                            	Click Here		                            </a>


High Holy Days Torah and Haftarah Readings



Fri, February 21 2025 23 Sh'vat 5785