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KI Parenting Center- Fall 2023


Fall 2023 Parenting Center Classes

Please note that temple membership is not required to join our Parenting Center classes. All adults/caregivers are invited. 

Messy Art with Creatiive Natiive 
1-3 years 
Date/Time: Mondays, September 11-December 11th (12 weeks) 9:30-10:15am $540
Are you ready to share a fun experience with your toddler, meet new friends, and have some fun? Join Creatiive Natiive for this art-based sensory class where toddlers investigate and learn through art and sensory experiences.  *Please dress your child (and yourself) in clothes that are ok to get messy* 

Music with Kira Rappaport
Age: Infant-2 Years
Date/Time: Wednesdays, September 13-December 13th (12 weeks) 11:30-12:15pm $480
Enjoy a chance to sing, move, play, breathe, and connect with your children and each other as Kira Rappaport plays the flute and guitar. Rhythm shakers and scarves (both washed/sanitized after use) are available to help you jam. 

Shabbat Experience with Rabbi Daniel 
Age: Infant-3 years
Date/Time: Fridays, September 8th-December 15th (12 weeks) 9:30-10:15am $420

Join Rabbi Daniel Sher and Cantorial Soloist Daniel Leanse for a rollicking Shabbat experience. Explore, build community, sing songs, shake shakers, play with bubbles, and celebrate Shabbat together! This class is a fun way to end the week and get into the spirit of Shabbat. Grape juice, challah, and a snack are provided. Come celebrate Shabbat with us!

Please use this format: 310-555-1212

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784