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At KI, we believe that children are capable. One rule that our teachers follow is that we don't physically help children up or down our climbing structures. Instead, we help with our words.

We trust that if they can get up, they can get down, and if they can't get up yet, then they can and will be intrinsically motivated to keep trying over time.

Here you see our Blue Room friend, Claire, who had been working hard to get to the top of these ropes, and finally made it! You can also see Teacher Kiera, sitting close by, talking to Clarie so she can learn how to get back down all on her own. You'll notice in these photos that Claire, while in a tricky situation, is smiling. She trusts herself, she trusts her teachers, and she will use this experience to build a bigger foundation of confidence as she meets new challenges. Way to go, Claire!

Rainy Days at School

Students in rain gear playing in puddles.

RAINY DAYS: On rainy days, our school will continue to utilize the Big Yard and side yards for outdoor play as this is an incredible opportunity for children to truly experience the seasons and weather. Remember how much fun it was to play in the rain as a child? We want our children in the preschool to have the chance to do that, too. 
Parents must pack weather-appropriate clothes and change of clothes for their children - please purchase rain gear, rain boots, etc. to prepare for all weather when the time comes (if you are looking for an all-in-one covering for the rain, we suggest something like this). When outdoor play ends, each child will be changed promptly into warm, cozy clothes, so make sure you send your child with a full set of additional clothes including socks, shoes, pants, underwear and shirt. A ‘wet bag’ to send wet/dirty clothes home in is also helpful. Our school will continue to keep doors open to promote airflow in the classrooms as well. 

ALWAYS Pack Extra Clothes when we send home wet/dirty clothes and always replenish your child's cubby! 
Outdoor play in all weather is proven to be important for children's development, as discussed in these articles - lucky for us, we don't worry about snow, frostbite and frozen wind chill! 

Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785